Early Intervention (Military)
Most Early Intervention Programs consist of treatment programs designed to assist infants, toddlers and small children (generally ages birth though age 5) in the beginning stages of development. Professionals you may be asked to see might include a Developmental or Applied Behavioral Specialist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Speech Language Pathologist, Pediatric Audiologist or a Pediatric Ophthalmologist. You may be asked to see other Specialists as well, depending on what it is your child needs. Each child is treated as an individual and by need.
Do not wait. Begin this process as soon as possible!
Early Intervention services and programs are provided for infants and children from Birth to age 5. These programs are generally administered through your State's Department of Health and range from medical and therapeutic treatment referrals for occupational, Speech and Physical therapies, to early social skills needed to begin school and parent training. Most communities have a variety of programs available. To find a program in your area call the local office of your State's Department of Health and ask for the Early Intervention Coordinator. Your Pediatrician should also be able to get you started in finding those programs available to you. (See RESOURCE LINKS)
Once your child has been enrolled in an appropriate Early Intervention program in your area the next step is to contact your State Division of Services for People With Disabilities and request information for Medicaid Waiver programs and other additional services as needed.
For most parents this will be your first contact with a government program. Request as much information as you possibly can concerning any other services your child and family may be eligible for. These services can include: Family Support Services, referrals to a Family Council Support Group in your area, Respite Care, etc. They can also assist you in applying for Medicaid, if you have a low income, or a Medicaid waiver if medically qualified but non-income eligible.